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Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry has been immensely one source of inspiration for us.
Sacred Geometric patterns exist all around us, creating the fundamental structure and templates of life in the Universe. The patterns can be broken down into a language of mathematics that rules the entirety of our visible and invisible world.
The geometrical archetypes reveal the nature of each form and its vibrational resonance, symbolizing the inseparable relationship between everything and everyone, which ultimately makes up our whole matrix and the Universe at large – embodying Oneness.
Once we connect within, we can connect to the Gratitude for simply being alive and breathing, on a spinning orb in the middle of a giant Universe made of cosmic space dust that seems to form in Sacred Geometrical patterns
Hopefully this has inspired you to shine your light! If you’d like to attune your vibration to Sacred Geometrical frequencies.

Mer light Ka spirit Ba body
Represents the integration of the physical and spiritual.

The Merkaba symbol at it's core is a fusion of two tetrahedrons, interlocked and rotating in opposite directions. This dynamic intersection is believed to birth an energy field — a "light body" — that radiates with immense power.
In this guided breath-and-visualization meditation, we anchor in powerful healing and protective light from the light-energy field to activate our "Merkaba ✨light ✨body", to expand our awareness to connect us to higher wisdom and source, and to bring protection, harmony, and balance to our day.
Merkaba meditation can work, but the end results can differ from person to person. Having said that the Merkaba meditation can offer immense personal growth and help in the following issues:
* Ease Depression Symptoms
*Impact Weight Loss
*Balance Your Energy
*Attain Spiritual Growth
*Improve Cognition
If you are looking to try it out, preparation is extremely important. It’s also recommended to look into meditation practices as a preventative measure rather than a treatment solution.
*Upon your purchase of the Merkaba meditation a download file will be available but also it comes with a handmade Merkaba harmonizer.